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import { NoBlending, ShaderMaterial, Uniform, UnsignedByteType } from "three";
import { ColorChannel } from "../enums/ColorChannel.js";
import { MaskFunction } from "../enums/MaskFunction.js";

import fragmentShader from "./glsl/mask.frag";
import vertexShader from "./glsl/common.vert";

 * A mask shader material.
 * This material applies a mask texture to a buffer.

export class MaskMaterial extends ShaderMaterial {

	 * Constructs a new mask material.
	 * @param {Texture} [maskTexture] - The mask texture.

	constructor(maskTexture = null) {

			name: "MaskMaterial",
			uniforms: {
				maskTexture: new Uniform(maskTexture),
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				strength: new Uniform(1.0)
			blending: NoBlending,
			toneMapped: false,
			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false,

		this.colorChannel = ColorChannel.RED;
		this.maskFunction = MaskFunction.DISCARD;


	 * The input buffer.
	 * @type {Texture}

	set inputBuffer(value) {

		this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value;


	 * Sets the input buffer.
	 * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead.
	 * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer.

	setInputBuffer(value) {

		this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value;


	 * The mask texture.
	 * @type {Texture}

	set maskTexture(value) {

		this.uniforms.maskTexture.value = value;
		delete this.defines.MASK_PRECISION_HIGH;

		if(value.type !== UnsignedByteType) {

			this.defines.MASK_PRECISION_HIGH = "1";


		this.needsUpdate = true;


	 * Sets the mask texture.
	 * @deprecated Use maskTexture instead.
	 * @param {Texture} value - The texture.

	setMaskTexture(value) {

		this.maskTexture = value;


	 * Sets the color channel to use for masking. Default is `ColorChannel.RED`.
	 * @type {ColorChannel}

	set colorChannel(value) {

		this.defines.COLOR_CHANNEL = value.toFixed(0);
		this.needsUpdate = true;


	 * Sets the color channel to use for masking. Default is `ColorChannel.RED`.
	 * @deprecated Use colorChannel instead.
	 * @param {ColorChannel} value - The channel.

	setColorChannel(value) {

		this.colorChannel = value;


	 * The masking technique. Default is `MaskFunction.DISCARD`.
	 * @type {MaskFunction}

	set maskFunction(value) {

		this.defines.MASK_FUNCTION = value.toFixed(0);
		this.needsUpdate = true;


	 * Sets the masking technique. Default is `MaskFunction.DISCARD`.
	 * @deprecated Use maskFunction instead.
	 * @param {MaskFunction} value - The function.

	setMaskFunction(value) {

		this.maskFunction = value;


	 * Indicates whether the masking is inverted.
	 * @type {Boolean}

	get inverted() {

		return (this.defines.INVERTED !== undefined);


	set inverted(value) {

		if(this.inverted && !value) {

			delete this.defines.INVERTED;

		} else if(value) {

			this.defines.INVERTED = "1";


		this.needsUpdate = true;


	 * Indicates whether the masking is inverted.
	 * @deprecated Use inverted instead.
	 * @return {Boolean} Whether the masking is inverted.

	isInverted() {

		return this.inverted;


	 * Determines whether the masking should be inverted.
	 * @deprecated Use inverted instead.
	 * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the masking should be inverted.

	setInverted(value) {

		this.inverted = value;


	 * The current mask strength.
	 * Individual mask values will be clamped to [0.0, 1.0]. Has no effect when the mask function is set to `DISCARD`.
	 * @type {Number}

	get strength() {

		return this.uniforms.strength.value;


	set strength(value) {

		this.uniforms.strength.value = value;


	 * Returns the current mask strength.
	 * @deprecated Use strength instead.
	 * @return {Number} The mask strength.

	getStrength() {

		return this.strength;


	 * Sets the mask strength.
	 * Has no effect when the mask function is set to `DISCARD`.
	 * @deprecated Use strength instead.
	 * @param {Number} value - The mask strength.

	setStrength(value) {

		this.strength = value;

