Interface PhysicsProps


  • PhysicsProps


allowedLinearError?: number

Amount of penetration the engine wont attempt to correct

Default Value


children: ReactNode

Set the base automatic colliders for this physics world All Meshes inside RigidBodies will generate a collider based on this value, if not overridden.

debug?: boolean

Enable debug rendering of the physics world.

Default Value


erp?: number

The Error Reduction Parameter in between 0 and 1, is the proportion of the positional error to be corrected at each time step.

Default Value


gravity?: Vector3Tuple

Set the gravity of the physics world

Default Value

[0, -9.81, 0]

interpolate?: boolean

Interpolate the world transform using the frame delta times. Has no effect if timeStep is set to "vary".

Default Value


maxCcdSubsteps?: number

Maximum number of substeps performed by the solver

Default Value


minIslandSize?: number

Minimum number of dynamic bodies in each active island

Default Value


numAdditionalFrictionIterations?: number

Number of addition friction resolution iteration run during the last solver sub-step. The greater this value is, the most realistic friction will be. However a greater number of iterations is more computationally intensive.

Default Value


numInternalPgsIterations?: number

Number of internal Project Gauss Seidel (PGS) iterations run at each solver iteration. Increasing this parameter will improve stability of the simulation. It will have a lesser effect than increasing numSolverIterations but is also less computationally expensive.

Default Value


numSolverIterations?: number

The number of solver iterations run by the constraints solver for calculating forces. The greater this value is, the most rigid and realistic the physics simulation will be. However a greater number of iterations is more computationally intensive.

Default Value


paused?: boolean

Pause the physics simulation

Default Value


predictionDistance?: number

The maximal distance separating two objects that will generate predictive contacts

Default Value


timeStep?: number | "vary"

Set the timestep for the simulation. Setting this to a number (eg. 1/60) will run the simulation at that framerate. Alternatively, you can set this to "vary", which will cause the simulation to always synchronize with the current frame delta times.

Default Value


updateLoop?: "follow" | "independent"

Set the update loop strategy for the physics world.

If set to "follow", the physics world will be stepped in a useFrame callback, managed by @react-three/fiber. You can use updatePriority prop to manage the scheduling.

If set to "independent", the physics world will be stepped in a separate loop, not tied to the render loop. This is useful when using the "demand" frameloop strategy for the @react-three/fiber <Canvas />.


Default Value


updatePriority?: number

The update priority at which the physics simulation should run. Only used when updateLoop is set to "follow".


Default Value


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