Handle Component

The Handle and HandleTarget components and their properties

The Handle component is the core component of the @react-three/handle library, which is built on the HandleStore. This store provides developers with more control over the current state and user interactions.

Handle Store

The handle store manages the handle's state and translates user interactions into state modifications.

Exposed Functions

Allows retrieval of the state of the current interaction. If no interaction is currently happening, getState returns undefined.

Normally, a pointer is captured when the user interacts with an object. The capture method allows programmatic initiation of an interaction without requiring user input.

Allows saving the current state so that modifications to the handle options do not affect modifications from previous interactions.

Normally, an interaction is canceled when the user releases the button that started the interaction. The cancel function allows programmatic cancellation of the interaction.

Handle Component


<Handle translate="as-scale" scale={{ uniform: true }}>
        <boxGeometry />

Allows scaling of the cube by dragging it outward from the cube's center.


Allows overriding to pass a custom handle object.

Required to use the target provided by a surrounding HandleTarget component.

Allows passing a function that dynamically generates options to override the current handle options.

Allows disabling automatic binding of the event listeners to the provided handle, which can be necessary when capturing pointers manually.

The apply function is used to apply a state modification that originates from a user interaction to the state. This property allows overriding the default apply function, giving the developer complete control over how modifications affect the state. For instance, instead of applying the modification directly, the developer can apply it to their own state management solution. The state management solution can then apply the modification to the handle target.

In situations where the handle target is placed inside a constantly changing group, the alwaysUpdate flag ensures that the handle target's transformation is updated every frame to reflect the current state of the handle.

By default, handles can be interacted with using multiple input devices. By setting multitouch to false, only the first input device will be used.

By default, events that occur on handles are not propagated upwards and therefore do not reach their ancestors. Setting stopPropagation to false will re-enable event propagation for events that occur on the handle.

The rotate property allows configuring if and how the user can rotate the target. Setting rotate to false disables rotation. Setting rotate to x restricts rotation to the x-axis. Setting rotate to { x: false, y: [0, Math.PI] } disables rotation on the x-axis and restricts rotation on the y-axis to be between 0 and 180°, while rotation on the z-axis is enabled.

The scale property allows configuring if and how the user can scale the target. Setting scale to false disables scaling. Setting scale to x restricts scaling to the x-axis. Setting scale to { x: false, y: [1, 2] } disables scaling on the x-axis and restricts the scaling factor on the y-axis to be between 1 and 2, while scaling on the z-axis is enabled.

The translate property allows configuring if and how the user can translate the target. Setting translate to false disables translation. Setting translate to x restricts translation to the x-axis. Setting translate to { x: false, y: [-1, 1] } disables translation on the x-axis and restricts translation on the y-axis to be between -1 and 1, while translation on the z-axis is enabled. Furthermore, the translate property can be configured to transform translations into rotations and/or scalings using translate="as-scale", allowing the user to scale the target by grabbing and moving the handle.

Allows retrieval of a reference to the internal handle store (<Handle ref={handleStoreRef}>).

Handle Target Component

The HandleTarget component allows declaratively specifying a handle target that is hierarchically above the Handle component. To prevent accidentally providing a different target to a handle, using the target from the context requires setting the useTargetFromContext on the Handle component.


            <boxGeometry />
            <Handle useTargetFromContext>
                <mesh position-x={2}>  
                    <boxGeometry />