SPOOK parameter
World oriented rotational axis.
World oriented rotational axis.
SPOOK parameter
SPOOK parameter
Maximum (read: positive max) force to be applied by the constraint.
Minimum (read: negative max) force to be applied by the constraint.
A number, proportional to the force added to the bodies.
Motor velocity.
Add constraint velocity to the bodies.
Computes the right hand side of the SPOOK equation
Compute the denominator part of the SPOOK equation: C = G*inv(M)*G' + eps
Computes G*W, where W are the body velocities
Computes G*Wlambda, where W are the body velocities
Computes G*inv(M)*G'
Computes G*inv(M)*f, where M is the mass matrix with diagonal blocks for each body, and f are the forces on the bodies.
Computes G*q, where q are the generalized body coordinates
Recalculates a, b, and eps.
The Equation constructor sets typical SPOOK parameters as such:
= 1e7relaxation
= 4timeStep
= 1 / 60, note the hardcoded refresh rate.
Rotational motor constraint. Tries to keep the relative angular velocity of the bodies to a given value.