summary | ||
public |
The EffectComposer may be used in place of a normal WebGLRenderer. |
public |
A collection of shader data. |
public |
A Gauss kernel. |
public |
An override material manager. |
public |
A resolution. |
public |
An object selection. |
public |
C Timer this class was deprecated. Use `three/addons/misc/Timer.js` instead.
A timer. |
public |
The Disposable contract. |
public |
A timer that provides read access to time data. |
public |
The initializable contract. |
public |
The Resizable contract. |
summary | ||
public |
An ASCII effect. |
public |
A bloom effect. |
public |
this class was deprecated. Use DepthOfFieldEffect instead.
A depth of field (bokeh) effect. |
public |
A brightness/contrast effect. |
public |
A chromatic aberration effect. |
public |
A fast greyscale effect. |
public |
A color depth effect. |
public |
A depth visualization effect. |
public |
A depth of field effect. |
public |
A dot screen effect. |
public |
C Effect An abstract effect. |
public |
NVIDIA FXAA 3.11 by Timothy Lottes: |
public |
this class was deprecated. Set WebGLRenderer.outputEncoding to sRGBEncoding instead.
A gamma correction effect. |
public |
A glitch effect. |
public |
A god rays effect. |
public |
A grid effect. |
public |
A hue/saturation effect. |
public |
A 1D LUT effect. |
public |
A LUT effect. |
public |
A lens distortion effect. |
public |
A noise effect. |
public |
An outline effect. |
public |
A pixelation effect. |
public |
this class was deprecated. Use DepthOfFieldEffect instead.
Depth of Field shader v2.4. |
public |
Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing (SMAA). |
public |
A Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect. |
public |
A scanline effect. |
public |
A selective bloom effect. |
public |
A sepia effect. |
public |
A shock wave effect. |
public |
A texture effect. |
public |
A tilt shift effect. |
public |
A tone mapping effect. |
public |
A Vignette effect. |
summary | ||
public |
A blend mode. |
summary | ||
public |
A blend function enumeration. |
public |
A color channel enumeration. |
public |
An enumeration of depth copy modes. |
public |
An enumeration of depth test strategies. |
public |
An enumeration of edge detection modes. |
public |
An enumeration of effect attributes. |
public |
An enumeration of effect shader placeholders. |
public |
V GlitchMode: Object A glitch mode enumeration. |
public |
V KernelSize: Object An enumeration of blur kernel sizes. |
public |
An enumeration of LUT worker operations. |
public |
A mask function enumeration. |
public |
An enumeration of SMAA predication modes. |
public |
V SMAAPreset: Object An enumeration of SMAA presets. |
public |
A tone mapping mode enumeration. |
public |
An enumeration of Vignette techniques. |
public |
An enumeration of WebGL extensions. |
summary | ||
public |
this class was deprecated. Use `three/addons/loaders/LUT3dlLoader.js` instead.
A 3D LUT loader that supports the .3dl file format. |
public |
this class was deprecated. Use `three/addons/loaders/LUTCubeLoader.js` instead.
A 3D LUT loader that supports the .cube file format. |
public |
this class was deprecated. Preloading the SMAA lookup textures is no longer required.
this class is experimental. Added for testing, API might change in patch or minor releases. Requires three >= r108.
An SMAA image loader. |
summary | ||
public |
An adaptive luminance shader material. |
public |
A bokeh disc blur material. |
public |
A fast box blur material that supports depth-based bilateral filtering. |
public |
A Circle of Confusion shader material. |
public |
A simple copy shader material. |
public |
A depth comparison shader material. |
public |
A depth copy shader material. |
public |
A depth downsampling shader material. |
public |
A depth mask shader material. |
public |
A downsampling material. |
public |
An edge detection material. |
public |
An effect material for compound shaders. |
public |
An optimized Gaussian convolution shader material. |
public |
A crepuscular rays shader material. |
public |
An optimized convolution shader material. |
public |
A luminance shader material. |
public |
A mask shader material. |
public |
An outline shader material. |
public |
Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing. |
public |
A Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) shader material. |
public |
A tilt shift blur material. |
public |
An upsampling material. |
summary | ||
public |
A pass that renders an adaptive luminance map. |
public |
A box blur pass. |
public |
A pass that disables the stencil test. |
public |
A pass that clears the input buffer or the screen. |
public |
C CopyPass A pass that copies the contents of an input buffer to another render target. |
public |
A pass that copies depth into a render target. |
public |
A pass that downsamples the scene depth by picking the most representative depth in 2x2 texel neighborhoods. |
public |
A pass that renders depth into an RGBA buffer. |
public |
A depth picking pass. |
public |
An effect pass. |
public |
A Gaussian blur pass. |
public |
A Kawase blur pass. |
public |
A pass that executes a given function. |
public |
A pass that renders luminance. |
public |
C MaskPass A stencil mask pass. |
public |
A blur pass that produces a wide blur by downsampling and upsampling the input over multiple MIP levels. |
public |
A pass that renders the normals of a given scene. |
public |
C Pass An abstract pass. |
public |
A pass that renders a given scene into the input buffer or to screen. |
public |
A shader pass. |
public |
A tilt shift blur pass. |
summary | ||
public |
An ASCII character lookup texture. |
public |
A simple noise texture. |
public |
A container for raw RGBA image data. |
summary | ||
public |
A 3D lookup texture (LUT). |
public |
A tetrahedral upscaler that can be used to augment 3D LUTs. |
summary | ||
public |
SMAA area image data. |
public |
An SMAA image generator. |
public |
SMAA search image data. |
summary | ||
public |
An ID manager. |